Industry Type: Transport

Green Fuels for Denmark Phase 3

March 1, 2023

The Green Fuels for Denmark (GFDK) project brings together leading Danish companies representing the demand and supply side of sustainable e-fuels behind a vision to establish an ambitious sustainable fuels production facility. The project aims to establish a 1.3 GW electrolyser in 2030 powered by 2-3 GW offshore wind from the Bornholm energy island, which […]

HyGreen Teesside

March 1, 2023

In October 2022, bp submitted a bid for its proposed large-scale green hydrogen production facility, HyGreen Teesside, to the UK government’s Hydrogen Business Model and Net Zero Hydrogen Fund. The project targets hydrogen production in 2025 with an initial capacity of 80 MW, before expanding to 500 MW by 2030.


March 1, 2023

The goal of the H2ercules initiative is to create the heart of a super-sized hydrogen infrastructure for Germany by 2030. To make this happen, RWE, OGE and, prospectively, other partners are working across various steps of the value chain to enable a swift supply of hydrogen from the north of Germany to consumers in the […]

HyTech Hafen Rostock

March 1, 2023

By 2026, a 100-megawatt electrolysis plant is to be built on the site of the coal-fired power plant at the Rostock Overseas port. This project is to be developed and built by the newly founded Rostock EnergyPort cooperation GmbH. The energy suppliers RWE Generation, EnBW Neue Energien GmbH, RheinEnergie AG and the port operator ROSTOCK […]


March 1, 2023

ELYgator, Air Liquide’s 200 MW electrolyzer project, was selected to be part of the final selection round of the European Innovation Fund’s first call for innovative renewable energy and low-carbon large-scale project proposals. To be located in Terneuzen, this electrolyzer is meant to produce large quantities of renewable hydrogen, contributing to the decarbonization of the […]

SG H2 Lancaster

March 1, 2023

SG H2 Energy, Iwatani, and the City of Lancaster are working together to launch a large scale renewable hydrogen facility in Calfornia. The plant will feature SGH2’s gasification technology, which uses biogenic waste, biomass and recycled water to produce carbon negative hydrogen. It will have the capacity to generate 3.8 million kg of green hydrogen […]

Green Fuels for Denmark Phase 2

March 1, 2023

The Green Fuels for Denmark (GFDK) project brings together leading Danish companies representing the demand and supply side of sustainable e-fuels behind a vision to establish an ambitious sustainable fuels production facility. The project aims to establish a 1.3 GW electrolyser in 2030 powered by 2-3 GW offshore wind from the Bornholm energy island, which […]


March 1, 2023

The NortH2 consortium, along with the province of Gronigen, are investigating the large-scale supply of hydrogen by working together on all aspects of the supply chain – from wind energy to electrolysis to transmission and storage. The aim is to be able to supply industry with 4GW of green hydrogen by 2030 with the aim […]

Plug Power California

March 1, 2023

Plug Power intend to construct the largest green hydrogen production facility on the west coast of the USA, producing 30 metric tons of liquid green hydrogen daily, serving customers from San Diego to Vancouver. The facility will use a new 300 MW zero-carbon solar farm to power 120 MW of Plug Power’s state-of-the-art PEM electrolysers.