Industry Type: Transport
P2F Hemweg
March 1, 2023Vattenfall intends to develop a fossil-free hydrogen hub on the site of the former Hemweg coal-fired power plant. Between 2025 and 2030, hydrogen production will be scaled up from 10 MW to 100 MW. The hydrogen will be distributed to customers in the port area via a low-pressure hydrogen pipeline, thus taking the first step […]
Plug Power California
March 1, 2023Plug Power intend to construct the largest green hydrogen production facility on the west coast of the USA, producing 30 metric tons of liquid green hydrogen daily, serving customers from San Diego to Vancouver. The facility will use a new 300 MW zero-carbon solar farm to power 120 MW of Plug Power’s state-of-the-art PEM electrolysers.
Harjavalta Industrial Park
March 1, 2023In the Harjavalta Industrial Park, P2X Solutions is constructing Finland’s first green synthetic methane and hydrogen production facility on an industrial scale. In addition to receiving investment support for the project from the Finnish government, the firm has raised money for the building of the plant from Finnish and foreign investors. The plant will initially […]
March 1, 2023The GreenHyScale project aims to accelerate largescale production of green hydrogen by building and operating the first 100 MW green electrolysis plant. The plant will be erected in GreenLab at Skive, Denmark, and replicable in the rest of the world for greater impacts. The partners will use pressurised alkaline electrolysis to enable large-scale production of […]
HySynergy 1
March 1, 2023Everfuel is leading the consortium in the HySynergy project which aims to establish large scale production of hydrogen. The first phase of the project will have 20 MW of electrolysis capacity and will provide hydrogen to support the decarbonisation of the Crossbridge Energy refinery and will also offer a competitive supply of green hydrogen as […]
HySynergy 2
March 1, 2023Everfuel is leading the consortium in the HySynergy project which aims to establish large scale production of hydrogen. The second phase of the project will expand the capacity of the site to 300 MW. The hydrogen produced will be used to support the decarbonisation of the Crossbridge Energy refinery and will also offer a competitive […]
HySynergy 3
March 1, 2023Everfuel is leading the consortium in the HySynergy project which aims to establish large scale production of hydrogen. The third phase of the project will expand the capacity of the site to 1 GW. The hydrogen produced will be used to support the decarbonisation of the Crossbridge Energy refinery and will also offer a competitive […]
HyNetherlands 1
March 1, 2023HyNetherlands will combine technologies to produce an industrial scale e-methanol plant. The e-methanol is produced using renewable hydrogen from a newly built 100 MW electrolysis unit, together with biogenic CO₂ from a newly built carbon-capture plant. The first phase of the project will establish the first segment of the ‘H2 backbone’ and bring online e-methanol […]
HyNetherlands 2
March 1, 2023HyNetherlands will combine technologies to produce an industrial scale e-methanol plant. The e-methanol is produced using renewable hydrogen from a newly built 100 MW electrolysis unit, together with biogenic CO₂ from a newly built carbon-capture plant. The second phase of the project will see the expansion of the ‘H2 backbone’ to Emmen, Rotterdam and Amsterdam. […]