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Butler Works Induction Reheat Furnaces

Electrification Cleveland-Cliffs Steel Corporation Lyndora, Pennsylvania USA -- https://www.clevelandcliffs.com/news/news-releases/detail/629/cleveland-cliffs-selected-to-receive-575-million-in-us#:~:text=Overview-,Cleveland%2DCliffs%20Selected%20to%20Receive%20%24575%20Million%20in%20US%20Department,to%20Accelerate%20Industrial%20Decarbonization%20Technologies

Cleveland-Cliffs Steel Corporation has been selected for awards negotiations for up to $75 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for the Steel Slab Electrified Induction Reheat Furnace Upgrade project. This project plans to electrify the only production facility for high-silicon grain oriented electrical steel (GOES) in the U.S. GOES is a critical input for transformers and the electricity sector.



Lyndora, Pennsylvania
