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Linde Hydrogen Plant for OCI

Blue Ammonia Linde, OCI Beaumont, Texas USA 2025 https://www.linde.com/news-and-media/2023/linde-to-invest-1-8-billion-to-supply-clean-hydrogen-to-oci-s-world-scale-blue-ammonia-project-in-the-u-s-gulf-coas#:~:text=The%20new%20complex%20will%20be,onstream%20in%20the%20United%20States.

Linde will build, own and operate an on-site complex which will include autothermal reforming with carbon capture, plus a large air separation plant. The new complex will be integrated into Linde’s extensive Gulf Coast industrial gas infrastructure. It will supply clean hydrogen and nitrogen to OCI’s 1.1 million ton per annum blue ammonia plant, the first greenfield blue ammonia facility of this scale to come onstream in the United States. Linde will supply OCI with clean hydrogen by sequestering more than 1.7 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. The project is expected to start up in 2025.

1.7 Mtpa CO2



Beaumont, Texas

Blue Ammonia