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Carbon Upcycling – Cemex cement plant

Carbon Utilisation, CCS Facility, Waste Utilisation Carbon Upcycling, CEMEX, Glass Technology Services, UK Research and Innovation Rugby UK 2024 https://carbonupcycling.com/2022/06/23/carbon-upcycling-awarded-2-3-million-to-manufacture-climate-resilient-cement-alternative-from-waste-glass-and-co2/

Carbon Upcycling Technologies (CUT), in partnership with Cemex, will develop the world’s first commercial-scale cement replacement manufacturing plant that combines CO2 sequestration and waste glass. The commercial pilot will sequester up to 5 tonnes of CO2 / day produced from the cement kiln while utilizing 50 tonnes of coloured glass waste. The project will eliminate approximately 16,500 tonnes of local crushed glass from entering landfills, sequester about 1,600 tonnes of CO2, and will reduce over 15,000 tonnes of carbon emissions on a lifecycle basis through cement abatement.




CCS Facility| Carbon Utilisation| Waste Utilisation