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Deeply Decarbonized Cement

Alternative Feedstock and Process Brimstone Energy TBC USA -- https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240325688385/en/Industrial-Demonstrations-Program-Selects-Brimstone-for-Transformational-189-Million-Federal-Investment-to-Decarbonize-Cement-Industry

Brimstone was selected by The Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations to negotiate a $189 million federal award to finance the construction of the first commercial-scale plant deploying Brimstone’s deeply decarbonized process for producing cement. The first-of-a-kind plant would produce up to 140,000 metric tons per year of industry-standard ordinary portland cement (OPC), and another core concrete ingredient (SCM)—while avoiding 120,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.




Alternative Feedstock and Process