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CCS Facility Air Liquide, EQIOM Lumbres France 2028 https://www.airliquide.com/group/press-releases-news/2022-04-01/air-liquide-and-eqiom-project-northern-france-selected-european-innovation-fund

Air Liquide and EQIOM are joining forces in a project named “K6” with the aim to transform EQIOM’s Lumbres plant into one of the first carbon-neutral cement plants in Europe. Through the implementation of innovative technologies, the project aims to capture around 8 million tons of CO2 over the first ten years of operation. The K6 project has been awarded funding by the European Commission through its 2021 Innovation Fund call as one of seven industrial-scale projects out of more than 300 grant applications.

0.75 Mtpa CO2




CCS Facility