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E-fuels Alco Biofuel, Arcelor Mittal, Engie, Fluxys, Mitsubishi, North Sea Port, Oiltanking, PMV, POM, PROMAN Ghent Belgium Chemicals 2024 https://northccuhub.eu/north-c-methanol/

North-C-Methanol is one of the largest projects planned for the carbon capture hub in the North Sea Port area. The project consists of an electrolyser plant with a capacity of 65 MW, splitting water to produce hydrogen and oxygen using renewable energy from offshore wind. The oxygen produced will be used locally in the steel industry and the green hydrogen will be combined with CO2 captured from surrounding industrial sites to synthesise methanol at a rate of 45,000 tonnes of methanol per year. There are plans to further expand the project scale to 300 MW by 2028 and 600 MW by 2030.