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This webinar has taken place.

Canada is a world leader in carbon capture, and had the world’s first commercial scale onshore project with Quest in Alberta, as well as Boundary Dam and Weyburn in Saskatchewan.

But so far, no projects in the East of the country – Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland. Despite some generous national incentives. Is this about to change?

Our first speaker in this webinar is Richard Jackson, Adjunct Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, and Fellow, Geofirma Engineering. Mr Jackson leads a group which has been discussing CCS projects in Ontario, and recently designed a road map for carbon capture in south west Ontario for the Canadian Federal Government.

Our second speaker is Charles DeLand, Associate Director, Research with the C.D. Howe Institute. Mr DeLand has co-written a report about CCS policy in Ontario and how to get projects going. He will share perspectives on how Ontario can play catch-up on CCS.

Our third speaker is Phil de Luna, Chief Carbon Scientist and Head of Engineering with Deep Sky, based on Toronto. Deep Sky is working to build large-scale carbon removal (direct air capture) and storage infrastructure in Canada, including in Quebec. He will explain what the company is doing in Quebec, and what is unique about its technology.

In this webinar we’ll review what is going on.