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Decarb Connect COVID Policy

This Covid Policy was updated on 26 October 2021

How we work with you to create a covid-aware environment at our events and meet ups.

With concerns still felt in many corners of our ecosystem about covid, we are sensitive to the need for those interacting with us at in-person events to set policies and practices that create a comfortable and safe environment.

It is impossible to eradicate the risk associated with covid, but with our best practices in place and a commitment to personal responsibility from those meeting in-person we believe we can create purposeful events that help people pursue their business and professional goals while taking care of themselves.

  1. Vaccination or Negative Test Policy & Contact Tracing Policy
    1. In signing up to our events, attendees agree to provide documentation of either their double vaccination or a negative lateral flow test in the 48 hours before the event begins. For example; UK attendees will be asked to provide their covid passport (made available in the NHS Covid app or as a print out) – similar documentation from other jurisdictions will be accepted.
    2. If a situation arises that makes this necessary, Decarb Connect will work with local authorities to trace and contact participants at our events, subject to local privacy regulations.
  2. Enhanced cleaning
    1. Decarb Connect will ensure venues undertake enhanced, deep cleaning before, during and after our events, working with venue partners to ensure the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness. This includes regular sanitisation throughout the course of an event, with a focus on high-touch areas such as door handles, restrooms and food and beverage areas.
  3. Sanitising hands
    1. Decarb Connect will provide additional hand washing facilities and hand sanitising stations throughout the event space, encouraging all participants to regularly wash and disinfect their hands
  4. Non-contact registration
    1. Our events will make the most of our registration system’s contactless registration solution – meaning no contact at the registration desk and no need to sign or handle documents. All materials and agendas will be available through the app to ensure that we limit any risk from shared papers etc.
  5. Physical contact
    1. Decarb Connect requests that participants avoid handshakes and embraces, and instead ask that you enjoy a wave or even an elbow bump as a means of greeting.
    2. The exchange of printed materials, such as business cards and sales brochures, will also be discouraged, with digital alternatives recommended.
  6. Physical distancing
    1. Decarb Connect will maintain a density of participants in line with local authority regulations and venue or other relevant guidance. Where necessary we will put in place one way systems, and will also offer different areas for meeting and eating to avoid clustering. Please take note of onsite signage and announcements that are intended to maintain your comfort and safety.
    2. The nature of events means people are regularly moving around a space. We encourage all attendees to regularly sanitise their hands and to ensure that when sitting or in motion they are aware of social distancing.
    3. Delegates will be able to choose a lanyard that indicates their relative comfort with social distancing.
  7. Food and beverage stations
    1. We work closely with our venues to ensure the highest standard of food safety, minimising self-service buffets in favour of pre-packaged food options or serviced buffets. If any queuing is anticipated, physical distancing will be maintained through the use of floor markings and relevant signage.
    2. We ask attendees to observe careful social distancing when queuing and to respect the personal space of others.
  8. Masks and other plans
    1. We provide masks at the registration desk and will strongly encourage the use of masks by all attendees. All Decarb Connect staff will be wearing masks indoors for the duration of the event (other than when dining).
    2. We provide hand sanitiser at the registration desk and around the venue and will provide individual bottles to those who request them.
    3. Wherever a venue makes this possible, we will ensure that hotel windows are open to encourage airflow (and as a result encourage guests to dress with this in mind!)
  9. Health accountability
    1. Participants will be asked not to attend if they are feeling unwell, and teams will follow local health authority guidance on detecting and managing anyone who displays symptoms of COVID-19.
    2. One of the main factors that helps events to operate safely is avoiding queues. Where possible, we encourage delegates to arrive early to avoid last minute queues at registration and to maintain an awareness of social distancing.

The safety and comfort of our clients and staff is paramount. We ask all attendees to respect the wishes of others in attendance and be sensitive to the policies laid out above and the preferences of others in attendance.