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Planning an energy transition project: How Project Resop utilises data and local government/utilities/industry stakeholder collaboration to reduce co2

How can multi-party projects leverage data effectively to deliver an energy transition project? Join Lily Cairns Haylor and Alex Cameron to find out how local government and local stakeholders can collaborate to drive systems-level change.

Join Lily Cairns Haylor and Alex Cameron to talk about how collaboration and the right data and modelling capabilities can speed up the deployment of much-needed energy transition projects.

You’ll hear about Project RESOP, one of the energy transition projects that Advanced Infrastructure is engaged in and which brings together local government, utilities and industry. Advanced Infrastructure, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, DerryHirk, Oxfordshire County Council, Dundee City Council, Perth and Kinross, Arup and local stakeholders are coming together to drive forwards energy projects through digital collaboration.

Key discussion points:

  • How can the right data help collaborators interact and work out key opportunities?
  • Grid Constraints – how to assess and simulate alternative plans
  • How can organisations start quantifying the co2 savings and the real cost?
  • How to determine the optimum bundle of projects and
  • The gap between public intent and private financing of our series.

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