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Aalborg Onshore

CCS Facility Cementir Aalborg Denmark 2030 https://www.cementirholding.com/en/media/whats-new/new-pilot-plant-carbon-capture-inaugurated-aalborg-denmark

In 2023 Cementir inaugurated the second carbon capture pilot plant at its Aalborg cement plant in Denmark. The carbon capture facility will test a new CCUS (carbon capture utilization and storage) technology that can potentially eliminate a significant part of the energy consumption and at the same time ensure better utilization of the captured CO2. The new carbon capture facility aims to provide Cementir with valuable experience that can contribute to the establishment of a full-scale carbon capture facility, with the goal of capturing at least 400,000 tonnes of CO2 by 2030.

0.4 Mtpa CO2




CCS Facility