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Freeport LNG

CCS Facility Freeport LNG, Storegga, Talos Energy Freeport, Texas USA Natural Gas Processing 2024 https://www.storegga.earth/news/2021/news/storegga-talos-energy-and-freeport-lng-to-develop-ccs-project-on-texas-gulf-coast/

In November 2021, Storegga and Talos Energy signed a letter of intent with Freeport LNG to develop a CCS project at their site. Together the companies bring Storegga’s end-to-end CCS project experience and Talos’s offshore operational and sub-surface expertise. The project will utilize a Freeport LNG-owned geological sequestration site located less than half a mile from point of capture with up to a 30-year injection term and will permanently sequester CO2. Furthermore, the site is located within 25 miles of up to an additional 15 Mtpa of CO2 emissions from other industrial sources, which offers the potential for expansion in the future.