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Hamburg H2

Electrification, Fuel Switching Arcelor Mittal Hamburg Germany 2025 https://corporate.arcelormittal.com/climate-action/decarbonisation-technologies/hamburg-h2-working-towards-the-production-of-zero-carbon-emissions-steel-with-hydrogen

Arcelor Mittal’s €110 million Hamburg H2 project, which has recieved €55 million of funding support from the German government, is designed to test the ability to replace the use of natural gas with hydrogen to reduce iron ore and form DRI on an industrial scale, as well as then testing how that carbon-free DRI reacts in an EAF. The process of reducing iron ore with hydrogen will first be tested using grey hydrogen generated from the capture of waste gases at the steel plant which then goes through a process called pressure swing absorption. We intend the plant to become operational before the end of 2025, initially producing an annual volume of 100,000 tonnes of DRI.





Fuel Switching| Electrification