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CCS Facility TITAN Kamari Greece -- https://www.titan-cement.com/net-zero/#1654414404277-6f473531-242d

IFESTOS is a groundbreaking carbon capture project which represents TITAN Group’s pioneering stride toward zero-carbon cement production. IFESTOS not only seeks to propel our decarbonization journey but also plays a pivotal role in expediting the sector’s green transition, while substantially contributing to promoting carbon capture technology throughout the continent. The EU Commission has granted support to IFESTOS as part of the third call for large-scale projects under the EU Innovation Fund. The project involves the construction of a cutting-edge carbon capture facility which will capture approximately 1.9 million tons of CO2 per year, at our Kamari plant in Athens, Greece. The captured CO2 will be shipped to and sequestered in a permanent geological storage site in the Mediterranean. As a result, TITAN will produce about 3 million t/year of zero-carbon cement to serve the growing needs for green construction in the metropolitan area of Athens and beyond.

1.9 Mtpa CO2



CCS Facility