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Lebedinsky GOK

Energy Efficiency, Fuel Switching Metalloinvest, Midrex Technologies, Primetals Technologies Gubkin Russia 2025 https://www.metalloinvest.com/en/media/press-releases/599418/?utm_source=google.com&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=google.com&utm_referrer=google.com

Metalloinvest has contracted with Primetals Technologies and consortium partner Midrex Technologies, Inc. to supply the new HBI Plant (HBI-4) at Lebedinsky GOK (LGOK). The plant will be located in Gubkin, Russia, and will be designed to produce 2.08 million metric tons of HBI per year. Its modern design features will ensure reduced energy consumption and environmental impact. Investment in the construction of the plant is estimated at over USD 600 million. The project will create 375 highly qualified jobs and is expected to become operational in the first half of 2025. By replacing natural gas with green hydrogen, there is potential to further decrease carbon emissions in the future. The contracted plant is capable of being converted in the future to use up to 100% hydrogen as a reducing agent.





Energy Efficiency| Fuel Switching