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CCS Facility, Fuel Switching Dow Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta Canada 2027 https://majorprojects.alberta.ca/details/Dow-Fort-Saskatchewan-Path2Zero-Expansion/5535

Dow is building a net-zero facility near Edmonton, in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland, that will produce 3.2 million metric tonnes of polyethylene and ethylene derivatives. The project will also modernize its existing facility near Fort Saskatchewan to produce net-zero carbon emissions. It began construction in April 2024, with the first phase expected to come on line in 2027 and the second phase starting up in 2029. To achieve net-zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions, the Fort Saskatchewan Path2Zero project will deploy Linde’s air separation and autothermal reformer technology to convert the site’s cracker off-gas to hydrogen, which will be used as a clean fuel to supply the site’s furnaces. In addition, carbon dioxide emissions will be captured and stored, reducing existing emissions by approximately 1 million MTA of CO2e while abating all emissions from the addition of the site’s new capacity.

1 Mtpa CO2



Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta

CCS Facility| Fuel Switching