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Red Trail Energy CCS

CCS Facility EERC, North Dakota Industrial Commission Renewable Energy Program, Red Trail Energy, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Richardton, North Dakota USA 2022 https://undeerc.org/research/projects/redtrailenergyccs.html

Red Trail Energy, LLC (RTE), an ethanol producer near Richardton, North Dakota, is currently operating a CO2 capture facility adjacent to the RTE ethanol facility, to ultimately inject about 180,000 tonnes CO2 annually more than a mile below RTE property for permanent storage. After a 5-year investigative period conducted by the EERC, in partnership with the North Dakota Industrial Commission Renewable Energy Program and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the RTE CCS Project was determined a technically viable option for the significant reduction of CO2 emissions from ethanol production.

0.18 Mtpa CO2



Richardton, North Dakota

CCS Facility