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Runcorn Energy Recovery Facility

CCS Facility Viridor Runcorn UK Waste-to-energy -- https://www.viridor.co.uk/news-and-insights/government-shortlists-viridor-s-runcorn-ccs-project-2/

Viridon intend to develop a CCS project at their Runcorn Energy-from-waste site. The project is one of 20 which has been shortlisted for phase-2 of the UK government’s CCUS funding and support process. The project alone will capture 900,000 tonnes of CO2 each year, 50% of which includes biogenic CO2, effectively removing 450,000 tonnes from the atmosphere annually. The project is one of 20 which has been shortlisted for phase-2 of the UK government’s CCUS cluster sequencing process.