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How industry can advance a lower carbon future and remove barriers for adoption of widespread industrial carbon capture and storage

This webinar has now taken place.

Aniruddha Sharma, CEO and Co-founder of Carbon Clean is joined by Chris Powers, Vice President, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) at Chevron New Energies to discuss how CycloneCC is set to radically reduce the costs and space requirements of carbon capture, making it a viable solution for thousands of hard-to-abate industrial facilities. Watch on-demand how to become a first mover and gain early access.

Watch On-Demand: How industry can advance a lower carbon future and remove barriers for adoption of widespread industrial carbon capture and storage

It is vital that we decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors while developing new low-carbon technologies. The IEA and others have been clear that the deployment of carbon capture capacity must increase dramatically if we are to meet net zero targets.

During this one-hour webinar Aniruddha Sharma, CEO and Co-founder of Carbon Clean is joined by Chris Powers, Vice President, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) at Chevron New Energies – responsible for leading and growing Chevron’s CCUS business worldwide.

They discuss the following and more:

  • The carbon capture pilot Chevron and Carbon Clean are seeking to develop for Carbon Clean’s CycloneCC on a co-generation plant in San Joaquin Valley, California.
  • How this fully modular solution could be deployed in Chevron and the impact it could make to CCUS

CycloneCC is set to radically reduce the costs and space requirements of carbon capture by up to 50 per cent, making it a viable solution for thousands of hard-to-abate industrial facilities. Watch on-demand to learn how to become a first mover and gain early access.